From education: Master of Arts
From choice: A virtuoso of life
From passion: A seeker of truth about the world and myself.
I am a musician with over 20 years of pedagogical experience, a scrum master and a life coach. I lead and accompanied many students on their musical path of both playing on keyboard instruments and singing. I carried over 200 hours of individual sessions and original trainings regarding both self-improvement (“Mental Redbull” and “Power Every Hour” for employees and companies in Business Link; “New change for success” for Academic Incubator of Entrepreneurship, coaching meetings for women in METANOIA Centre, “A key to change” and “Power every hour” in Pozytywna Rozwojownia in Toruń, and specialized training: (musical training for kindergarten teachers of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship, training of team coaching for choir Gaudium Cantates from Lubicz and Teaching Staff Council in Toruń, Sopot, Bydgoszcz, Kędzierzyna-Koziel and Tczew, and also musical workshops for children – for Museum of the City of Gdynia.
I worked as one of the experts in “MIKROWSPARCIE” (The microsupport) program of Toruń Cultural Agenda. References
I was nominated in 2009 for a plebiscite “Woman of the year 2008”, I was also awarded a Toruń’s Mayor Award in 2005
I am an originator and organizer of two editions of artists’ integration meetings in Toruń “ARTERIA” (2008, 2009) and main organizer of multiple editions of Kindergarten Song Festival “Musical meadow” (2002-2012)
In private:
Despite music being my favourite companion, I also appreciate silence
In order to “charge my batteries” I turn towards the sea
I ride a bike wherever I can, but I also adore driving a car
I like to crotchet and create
Favourite movie: Swedish “As it is in heaven” directed by Kay Pollak
Favourite book: “Last lovers” written by William Wharton
I thank for each day
My experience is my passion
- Master of Arts diploma – Musical Academy in Bydgoszcz (1990-1995)
- Qualification course “Organizing and management of education” CDN TWP in Bydgoszcz (2007-2008)
- Study “Academy of Coaching” WSB in Gdańsk (2013-2014)
- Certificates “Management of time”, “Stress management” “Metaprograms and their usage in personal growth” (Gdańsk 2012-2013)
- Certificate “Energy management – how to make busy and tired people creative again” (Gdańsk 2012)
- Trainings “Coach provocateur” in Polish Institute of Provocative Coaching (Poznań 2014)
- Certificate “Exploring Coaching with Neuroscience” (Warsaw 2015)
- Certificate “Professional Scrum Master I – Improving the Profession of Software Development” (2015)
- Certificate “POINTER methods Points Of You” (Szczecin 2015)
- Certificate “Train the Trainer 2 Points Of You” (Toruń 2017)
- Voluntary work during 41’st Movie Festival in Gdynia (2016)
- Album with songs for children “Happy counting-out rhymes” – Originator, composer, publisher and producer (2006)
- Album “Our Christmas Carols” with original Christmas songs – Originator, composer, publisher and producer (2007)
- Audio project “From keen ear to peaceful spirit” (YouTube 2014)
- Author of “Slow blog” (from 2015)
- Publications of blog entries in “Kobbieciarnia” magazine (2016)
- A short story “Dog” published in “Menażeria” cultural magazine (2018)
- Documentary “Apollo” (YouTube 2019)
- A short story “Stopover” presented during evening with authors no4 “Typewriters” (2020)
- A short story “LEONORA” (2020)
- A short story “BODY” (2021)
- Article in “Chwila dla ciebie” magazine (2017)
- Article in “Novelities in Toruń” magazine (2017)